
The graduate school of the CCP was established in 1979 under government recognition No. C-002, dated June 6, 1979, starting with an initial offering of MBA and MAT.
As an expression of its social responsibility and in order to keep the poor and deserving ambitious college graduates to seek higher education, CCP opened its Graduate School charging minimal, and affordable costs of tuition to its college faculty and students.


The CCP Graduate School commits itself to develop relevant expertise, acumen and competence among the students in the field of Business Administration, Public Management and Teaching not only to attain academic excellence but to prepare them to meet the challenge of global competition.


The Graduate School serves as the academic home of graduate studies in education, business and public management. Primarily it provides the graduate students with opportunities for study and research.

The Graduate School as a center for the advancement of learning commits itself to the following goals:

To encourage and develop an inquisitive mind through research, which is one of the functions of graduate education.
To encourage the analysis of value which confronts people in decision making through actual class work and maximization of motivation techniques.
To develop flexibility and pragmatic adjustment to varied and changing social realities - social, economic and political - be it in the personal and professional dimension of living through community service and fieldwork.

Course Offered:


8715-5170 loc. 144 (M-F) / loc. 130 (Sat)

College Email:


Central Colleges of the Philippines | CCP | FOOTER

Some photos were captured by the CCP Photography Club

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